
Jan 20-27, 2007 and Jan 19-26, 2008

Bonaire is a desert island with just over 20 inches of rain per year. When we were there the trade winds were persistent and kept the 80s temperature very comfortable.

Our flight comes in from Houston before it gets light.

We stayed both years at the Black Durgon Inn which is located near the middle of the leeward (western) shore. It was under $100/night for a room with a double bed with breakfast included. They have a commons area with refrigerators and a stove for guest use - some cooked, others went out. I would call the place 'family friendly'. Snorkeling was very good right from their dock. Some people were getting their diving certification right there as well.

Washington-Slagbaai National Park at the north end of the island.

A long distance radio station on the north west side.

Flamingos were common all throughout the island.

The wild donkeys were quite friendly.

Cactus fences (this one being assembled at the entrance to the park) were quite common.

The 'lagun' on the windward side of the island opens to the sea.

Condo area just south of Black Durgon but north of main town of Kralendijk.

Cargill makes salt on the south end of the island.

The south end of the island; slave huts, windward waves (and plenty of flotsam), and lunch with a view of the 'backside' of 'Lac'.

To snorkel you drive up to an entry point and walk in to great snorkeling areas right next to shore. Divers use the same entry points. Here are some of the pictures taken in 2007 while snorkeling sites 1000 steps, Andrea I and II, Tori's Reef, Margate Bay and Red Beryl. See pages about shore diving and snorkeling sites.

In 2008 it was windy the whole time we were there. The palms in the Pink Beach picture sort of tell the story. Since we have full-foot fins we do not wear booties and that kept us off the 'iron rock' of most beaches south of Kralendjik where modest waves were coming ashore. The beaches north seemed to be benefiting from a shadowing effect ftom Klein Bonaire.

Other than the single Pink Beach outing most of our snorkling was confined to the to the north: downtown, Andreas I and II (two turtles), 1000 Steps, and at Black Durgeon.

'Lac' (lagoon noted for windsufing) and salt flats beyond.

Most pictures were taken with an Olympus Stylus 400 (original resolution of 2272x1704). An underwater housing was used with that camera. A few addtional 'dry' shots were made with a Pansonic Lumix FX9.

© Jim Zandlo, 2007, 2008