picture picture

Bonaire Banded Box Jelly

Febuary 15, 2013 about 1:30pm near SandDollar on Bonaire

Friday February 15, 2013 at about 1:30pm I took multiple photos and a 52 second video of a Bonaire Banded Box Jelly. Sky was mostly clear. The water surface had the usual wind-driven chop and light flickered accordingly. Rae and I spotted the animal a foot or two below the surface as we were snorkling past the Den Lamen dock from the direction of SandDollar. Initially it was heading north but it actually ran into the dock post visible in some of the pictures. It turned 180 deg and headed back south. All imagery was taken with a Panasonic LUMIX TS3 set at -2/3EV.

Thumbnails are linked to the full-sized original images (a few editted versions are interspersed) that average 4-5mb.

Frames from video...

Some flashing from inside the animal seen in the video as the camera is pointed more-or-less west could simply be reflections on internal surfaces of flickering light from surface waves.
(Since the videos are so big you might want to right-click and save to view offline rather than simply clicking either of the video links just following.)
original .MTS video, 97mb
reformatted to .AVI video, 58mb

Jim Zandlo, February 17, 2013.

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